The Road to Geneva is calling you

On Thursday, 30th May, my friend Steven and I are filling up my scratched up Renault Clio with diesel and setting off from Western France heading for a pretty ski village tucked into the folds of  the Haut Jura mountains. Mijoux is a fifty-minute drive from the city of Geneva. It is so small, that if you blink when you drive through it, you’ll miss it. In the Winter the place transforms into a Snowy Wonderland bustling with tourists, but off-season it’s just a lush waving sea of firs spruce and pine and soft-eyed cows munching idly in the fields with tinkling bells around their necks.

But on Friday, May 31st, this sleepy postcard place is set to become a temporary summit for the most anti-Davos crowd you can possibly imagine.

Instead of private jets, the honored guests gathering in Mijoux will be arriving in camper vans, caravans, and secondhand cars. Instead of a banquet of the finest delicacies they will be served soup and baguettes donated and prepared by volunteers. They will have to bring their own wine. Instead of five star luxury suites, they will sleep in vans and tents and bunks, and sometimes the floor. Instead of armed protection, they will be protected by camaraderie and good karma. Instead of expensive suits and elegant dresses they will be in jeans and tee shirts and hiking boots. And instead of conspiring for more and more ways to control people, the Mijoux crowd will have one thing on their mind – how to help one another stay free.

In Mijoux we will meet and break bread with fellow freedom lovers from around the world. Those who have continued to keep the faith during these last four years. Those who have fought against propaganda, slander, division and darkness. Those who have kept the candle of truth burning 24/7/

On Saturday, June 1st there will be a huge rally outside the UN building in Geneva, organized by a coalition of international partners led by The Inspired Network. Our group, Free Humanity is organizing a pan-European People’s Convoy the Road to Geneva that converge on the city during the weekend of May 31st from Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Scandinavia and more. (Think less Canadian Truckers and more Road Trip with a Mission, with people traveling in small groups from many different points rather than a single line). There will be dozens of speakers at the rally including people like Bret Weinstein, Robert Malone, Andrew Brigden, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Dr. Ryan Cole, and Mattias Desmet, who have courageously and consistently spoken out against the psychopathic death forces we have been subjected to for the last four dystopian years.

But it’s the dinner in Mijoux on the Friday night that I find myself looking forward to the most. We have been kept apart for so long and now we are going to come together and see one another in the flesh. To learn about one another, share our hopes our nightmares, hug, cry, laugh, be human again in a community of people who can disagree in the mind but still embrace a common heart. The ones who have the courage to say “no” to a grotesque political and social agenda that seeks to grind us all down into stamped and branded, eternally sick, self-hating, subservient, isolated, morally relative nodes with no real autonomy or agency.

Don’t get me wrong, with hundreds of human rights and political activist groups from 27 different countries sharing space, the disagreements are likely to get loud and real. But first things first. Let us meet eye to eye and begin to build trust. Because what is the alternative? The vats of noxious squabbling hatred that the rest of the world is festering in?

One of the most incredibly inspiring things about working on this campaign has been meeting people from the truly extraordinary number of groups that have mushroomed in the last four years, rising to take on the globalist agenda of authoritarian control. While the mainstream media remains either silent or actively censors and misrepresents the truth, like the mushroom’s mycelia, millions have been preparing a defense against the techno-feudalist state machinery that wants to create a world that goes even beyond the savage dehumanization of Huxley’s Brave New World or Orwell’s 1984.

The ostensible reason for us heading to Geneva is the imminent ratification of documents by the World Health Organization that establish as standard protocol the unscientific authoritarian measures and myopic approaches that were imposed upon us during Covid to devastating effect. These documents lay out the framework for a one world global bio medical security state that does not only want to repeat all the mistakes that were made during Covid, it wants to put them on steroids.

But for many of us, the shenanigans of the W.H.O is almost a side note. The pandemic documents, however pernicious, are only part of why many of us will be there. I have heard people again and again say things, “I just have to be there. I can’t explain it.” It is as if we are being drawn there, like those haunting notes in Close Encounters of the Third Kind drew people to Devil’s Tower. Geneva is a pulsing lodestone calling the tribes – the people whose bones still resonate with ancestral song. The people who have Natural Law flowing in their blood. Who take ‘Do No Harm’ as a Holy Law. The people who understand that individual freedom is the essence of collective dignity and that where individual rights are crushed the human spirit dies.

It is a royal slog to read through the text of the World Health Organization’s Pandemic documents. Trust me, I’ve done it several times, and I still find it hard to discern the salient points from all the word salad. Luckily, lawyers such as Philip Kruse have applied their trained legal eyes to these instruments and have concluded that they are deeply problematic.

Others, such as former W.H.O scientist Dr. David Bell, have warned about the dangers of the Pandemic-Industrial Complex, that has in stealth-like creep become so captured by private interests that public health is now used more as a cover for lining the pockets of private and corporate investors rather than being a primary goal. Following the World Economic Forum’s ‘stakeholder capitalism’ model that merges state and corporate power, the activities of corporations become practically indistinguishable from those of the state. Bell pulls not punches in laying out the W.H.O’s troubling business model in Pandemics: A Business Opportunity that reads more like the blueprint for an international drug cartel than an advisory agency for global health.

Perhaps the most alarming development is a fundamental shift from the historically advisory role of the W.H.O to a command-and-control style approach that asserts itself as the single legitimate arbiter of global public health policy. One of the hardest working people on this issue is James Roguski and I encourage you to read his Substack where you can get yourself properly educated on what is at stake.

Why am I driving all the way to Geneva, knowing that I will have to eat noodles for a month to pay for the trip. For me, it is quite simple. I am going to Geneva because I am called to go. There is a sound like a distant horn in far away hills, soft but unmistakable. This call has been circling within and around us for years, sometimes it’s been almost imperceptible but other times, like now, strong and constant, as if the breath that blows through it is the breath of life itself, eternally rising and renewing, calling the Awakening. It is only for us to bend our ears, and then to follow our hearts.

I am going to Geneva because it has been a hard and lonely road
I am going to Geneva to say Here I am! to Life
I am going to Geneva to celebrate the human spirit
I am going to Geneva because Love is greater than fear
I am going to Geneva because I refuse to participate in the Lie
I am going to Geneva to make history
I am going to Geneva to greet my fellow believers
I am going to Geneva because we are stronger together.
I am going to Geneva because I am ready.
I am going to Geneva because it is time.

Freedom is a Yearning.
And I must go.

It’s not too late to join us – go to

About subincontinentia

writer and eternal optimist
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